
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kudos Amazon - Cloud Drive, Cloud Player

Amazon! Thats great news about your new service on the Cloud. What a kick in the face of the forces that try to lock user Freedom. As a computer user, I have the right to my data, my mp3, my jpegs, my files and all that.
So why cannot I be using a remote drive/storage to store my files? Why should I be locked down to one way of accessing my files (I'm talking about you Apple from Cupertino) that too from only one piece of hardware? Its my information. Its my Freedom. You cannot take it. Period.
So therefore, Amazon Cloud that frees me the user of information from the clutches of greedy corporates and labels that are designed to fill only their pockets, is a good great move by Amazon. They are now talking about suing Amazon. Under the garb of Music Copyrights. Welll. I think that is a short sighted move by the copyright jingoists. First of all, there is NO Real way of ensuring that the owner of a music CD will play his/her music only from only one form of media, eg  the music CD. The moment they burn it onto their disk / mp3 players they are making a so-called 'illegal' copy of it. So now if monitoring and regulating is meaningless even in the current scenario, then the same is meaningless also in the case of cloud. Storage is storage -- local or remote. So smart move there Amazon.
Secondly, Amazon cloud service is a general purpose service. Music is only 'ONE' of the uses of remote cloud service. No-one forces you to store music only. You can equally well instead of music, store your Photograph or Resume' also for example. Only that the file will be stored remotely. So are we now going to be sued by Camera makers or Word processor makers?? So I dont see the lawsuits against Amazon going far. Plus I foresee Amazon cloud to be a success. Good job Amazon. Keep it up..

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