
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Google E-Reader is coming..but WHEN?

If you are like me you would not want to part with your Freedom at any cost. You would not want to be told what to do. Applying this to the use of the Internet and the infrastructure surrounding it, you would not want to be locked to one vendor, platform or device. No wonder, people like us don't like the idea of Proprietary hardware and software platforms which impinge on your sense of Identity and restrict you from doing what you want to do with your own Time, Resources, Hardware and Software. The whole idea of Freedom is jeopardized by those companies who every few months come out with a new way of restricting your freedom. The biggest Axis of Evil in this list -- Apple and Microsoft.
Considering this, it was a pleasant news when Google said earlier this year that they would release their platform independent E-book store (Google Editions? or whatever the name is) by Fall of 2010. Now this is December already and still waiting. Although there has been a news lately which says they are going to do so by end of the year in US and early 2011 rest of the world. It is said they want to make sure that there were no unforeseen problems with their product post-launch. Understood. But then may be no need to create a hype about it. Announce it when ready. May be a Marketing ploy -- who knows. Whatever the reason, the Freedom oriented people would like this platform as it allows you to buy your Ebooks using only the Google account and then read it on ANY platform--just need a web browser. No need to buy another Locked in hardware or software platform. So kudos Google. Ok, now its late..hurry up.

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