
Friday, December 17, 2010

Linux needs a Marketing Plan

There is no arguing that Linux is the most open yet powerful OS out there.
It was developed over the Internet and over time as it has evolved it has given back its due to the Internet by becoming the backbone of the infrastructure that runs the Internet as we know today. An overwhelming majority of the servers, routers, firewalls and clients on the Internet today run on Linux. Not to mention the numerous cellphones, readers, set top boxes, live streaming on TV etc.
But there is a problem still. Ask anyone on the street, what OS do they use mostly? What are the different OS's that they know of for computing devices? 90% will say Windows, 5% will say apple and less than 2% will say Linux. And this is a contrast to the fact that the Linux based servers, search engines and network equipments are behind the Internet. There is a big disconnect between how the Internet functions and how the Internet is perceived by the masses. The reason is one small word "Marketing". Linux is based on the Freedom principles--thats great. But who is to Market it to the masses? Linux is considered by the numerous folks as something only meant for the geeks. Something that is cryptic, ugly and difficult to work with. If you look around the other OS'es that have mainstream recognition, they are riding on their Marketing and brand image. Linux has nothing like that. There is not even one print or electronic Advertisement for Linux as a brand. Have you seen one Linux Advertisement talking just about Linux on TV? or magazines? or web( If you have, please share). And no wonder no one knows about it or takes interest. As is evident in the low market share for Linux in the desktop OS segment. Some one has got to take the lead here, guys...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Google Chrome OS - Do we need another OS?

On Dec 07, 2010, in San Francisco, Google previewed its Chrome OS based hardware.In their previous announcement earlier this year, they had promised the release of the Hardware+Software offering in the form of a Web enabled Chrome OS based Laptop by end of this year. But looks like it will be delayed by a few more months and it will be only by Spring of 2011 that this product will come to public. On a very high level, it is a Black colored Matte finished lightweight Laptop running not a full blown OS but a thin-client like Chrome OS that is essentially a glorified Web Browser. More info is on Google website.
Chrome or Chromium is and OS that Google developed on top of the Linux kernel. The main objectives are Speed, Security and Simplicity. Thus doing away with the usual OS that is sometimes a hindrance to ideal web experience. Note that while "Chrome OS" is an Operating System Look alike (though different in some ways), just "Chrome" (without OS) is just another browser like Firefox or IE. They project that in the coming years, Computing will become more and more Cloud based and networked. So standalone OS, Apps and Utilities will become redundant. Thats where their offering of a complete solution of a laptop that lacks even a traditional hard disk drive is unique. Every Techie knows, hard disk drives are where the traditional OS lives and disk drives are the slowest element in the hardware. So if you do away with those two, there is a lot of Speed gains.
While I like the fact that finally someone had the guts to come out with a complete hardware and software solution based on the Linux kernel, which means there is a great boost to Opensource here, I'm not very sure if throwing yet another OS type out there is a real solution. Note that Google already has another Linux based "Android" that is doing great in the Mobile/Touch screen hardware domain. Time will tell if we really needed another OS (lookalike) or we could have done with the existing OS'es to address the 3S (Speed, Simplicity, Security) challenges out there. At least we have more choices now than going to only the Monopolistic Proprietary OS vendors out there..You know who I'm talking about..One is ugly and bad. The other looks like a half eaten fruit and is Evil nonetheless...

WikiLeaks and all the Drama..

Now unless you are living under some non-descript rock somewhere remote, you are bound to have crossed paths with news waves harking about the recent WikiLeaks drama. Long story short, WikiLeaks.org founded by a 39 year old Australian by the name Julian Assange, recently published on the web thousands of classified documents which if not disastrous for many Leaders and Governments across the globe have at the least been embarrassing. And since then, there has been lot of buzz about if this sort of public humiliation by WikiLeaks was justified, if it was credible, if it really helps any cause, if it put any soldier or intelligence folks in line of danger and all the bla bla bla.. Not only that there have been some interestingly curious developments around WikiLeaks soon after like Amazon.com pulling down WikiLeaks from their Servers under Government Pressure, WikiLeaks being unavailable for a while under cracker attack, WikiLeaks moving off to a Swedish domain, PayPal, Mastercard and Visa going down or facing Denial-of-service attacks. Plus the most amazing of all, two Swedish women suddenly having filed lawsuits again Julian Assange for assaulting them in non-gentlemanly ways followed by Mr. Assange getting arrested in London and his supports on the street or the web retaliating in their own ways.
Interesting sequence of events this all.
Now here is my comment. From the point of view of Freedom of the Web, WikiLeaks has a right to Free speech. They may also have a right to comment and present their opinion. But like they say, one persons rights end where another person's nose begins (or something like that), what needs to be seen is if these revelations are infact in any way beneficial to the larger Population in any way. The long term impacts of this episode will be know only in Time. I'm not very sure if it will create a sudden increase of distrust or violence in any part of the world. Nor am I sure if it will lead to a sudden burst of Happiness, Peace and Prosperity. Let us all wait and watch..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Google E-Reader is coming..but WHEN?

If you are like me you would not want to part with your Freedom at any cost. You would not want to be told what to do. Applying this to the use of the Internet and the infrastructure surrounding it, you would not want to be locked to one vendor, platform or device. No wonder, people like us don't like the idea of Proprietary hardware and software platforms which impinge on your sense of Identity and restrict you from doing what you want to do with your own Time, Resources, Hardware and Software. The whole idea of Freedom is jeopardized by those companies who every few months come out with a new way of restricting your freedom. The biggest Axis of Evil in this list -- Apple and Microsoft.
Considering this, it was a pleasant news when Google said earlier this year that they would release their platform independent E-book store (Google Editions? or whatever the name is) by Fall of 2010. Now this is December already and still waiting. Although there has been a news lately which says they are going to do so by end of the year in US and early 2011 rest of the world. It is said they want to make sure that there were no unforeseen problems with their product post-launch. Understood. But then may be no need to create a hype about it. Announce it when ready. May be a Marketing ploy -- who knows. Whatever the reason, the Freedom oriented people would like this platform as it allows you to buy your Ebooks using only the Google account and then read it on ANY platform--just need a web browser. No need to buy another Locked in hardware or software platform. So kudos Google. Ok, now its late..hurry up.