Secured Shell or ssh uses the technology of public-key-cryptography as the base.
-it requires two keys to open a file (public + private); somewhat like a bank locker which req two keys (bank's + user's)
-public key is freely accessible.
-private key is strictly restricted.
-The combination of public + private key is supposed to be unique.
-how it works?
. both receiver and sender must have access to each others public key
. sender encrypts: sender priv key + receiver pub key + data
. sender sends
. receiver decrypts: sender pub key + receiver priv key + data
-ssh is a proprietary protocol owned by the Finnish company ssh communications security.
-although the source code for original ssh is open, varios restrictions are imposed about its use and distribution.
-openssh is the opensource version of ssh under the openbsd project and is more popular and secure than the original ssh.
-To be fully secure, all insecure connections in a network need to be eliminated.
-eg: host 'a' connects to host 'b' via telnet; host b connects to host 'c' via ssh.
then in this case, due to the insecure a-b conn, the traffic bet b-c can be monitored and cracked.
-useful commands:
# yum -y install openssh-server
# rpm -qa | grep -i openssh
# service sshd start | stop | status
# ssh -6 user@server [ ipv6 ]
. /etc/ssh/sshd_config [ server daemon ]
. /etc/ssh/ssh_config [ client daemon ]
. ~/.ssh/known_hosts [ a directory of ssh hosts ]
-ssh tunneling = port forwarding = poor man's vpn
-using one hostA to connect securely to another hostB (ie via hostA)
clientA# ssh -L local_port:hostA:dest_port hostB
ie: clientA-----hostA====hostB
ie: user on clientA authenticates on hostA but securely connects to hostB.
ie: it is a way for people inside a firewall or proxy to bypass the firewall restrictions and get to the computers in the outside world.
-ssh tunneling = port forwarding = a way to forward otherwise insecure tcp traffic through ssh.
-utility = allows users to access securely their company data while remote (home, internet, etc)
-as long as the user has an ip conn to the Internet, he can connect to the remote server securely.
-sftp is a secure ftp service offered under ssh daemon.
# sftp user@host
sftp>bla bla
sftp> bye
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