
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Linux Programming - 1

Linux Systems Programming by RL

20 -System Programming is the art of writing system software.
-System software lives at a low level, interfacing directly with the kernel and core system libraries.
-examples of system software: shell, text editor, compiler etc.
-system software is the heart of all software.
21 -system software has a strong awareness of the hardware and OS.
-Much of system software is written in C and its libraries.
-As opposed to system software, there is application software written in languages like PHP, JavaScript, Java etc.

-Linux is Unix like, not Unix.
-Linux follows its own course, diverging where desired and converging only where practical.

22 -Three cornerstones to Linux system programming:
. system calls or syscalls
. C library
. C compiler

-system calls or syscalls:
are function invocations made from the userspace to kernel to request
some service from the OS.
-eg your text editor uses read() syscall to read a file.

-Linux has far fewer syscalls (in hundreds) than windows (that has thousands).
-some linux syscalls are architecture specific (eg only for alpha or intel)
but most (90% +) are common.
-system calls are denoted by a number, starting with 0.

-for reasons of security and reliability, userspace programs are not allowed to directly call kernel. They issue interrupts to to 'request' kernel attention.

23 -The C library:
aka glibc (or libc), is a set of core services and functions that
facilitate system call invocation.

-The C compiler:
aka gcc is a set of programs allowing to compile system and userspace

-APIs and ABIs:
.Application Program Interface & Application Binary Interface.
These are programming routines that allow communication between software on
the source code or binary levels.
-APIs and ABIs are important from programs portability across platforms.
-Linux is not officially Posix compliant.
-The term 'Posix' was suggested by Richard Stallman of FSF.

-Commands to see the versions of:
. linux - uname -r -ours is 3.6
. gcc - gcc --version -ours is 4.7
. glibc - ldd --version -ours is 2.15

28 -Everything in linux is a file. And all files are streams of bytes.
-in order to deal with files they must be opened for read &/or write.
-files are referenced by a descriptor (a pointer?)
-file descriptors are shared between kernel and userspace.
29 -The file operations start at a certain position in the file.
-usually this position is zero. And it cannot be negative.
-a single file can be opened multiple times, even by the same process.
-although files are accessed by names, they are not actually related.
-rather files are directly related to the inode.
-The inode of a file has its accounting info (who, what, when, etc)
-the inode does not have a file's name.
-directories are used to provide the names associated to files.
-userspace programs access files by names.
-so a directory can be thought of a file with mapping of filenames to inodes.
-eg: when a userspace program requests a file (from the kernel),
the kernel opens the directory and searches the name to get its inode.
-when two filenames point to the same inode, they are hard links.
-inodes are meaningless outside the filesystem, so hardlinks cant span fs.
-when two filenames point to diff inodes but one contains the path of other,
they are called symbolic links.
-in other words, symbolic links have diff inodes and can span fs.

-a hierarchical arrangement of files (on linux, everything is a file)
-The smallest addressable unit on a block device is the sector. The sector is a physical quality of the device.
-Likewise, the smallest logically addressable unit on a filesystem is the block. The block is an abstraction of the filesystem, not of the physical media on which the file-system resides. A block is usually a power-of-two multiple of the sector size.
-Blocks are generally larger than the sector, but they must be smaller than the page size* (the smallest unit addressable by the memory management unit, a hardware component).
-in nutshell, memory pages > fs blocks > device sectors.

-If files are the most fundamental abstraction in a Unix system, processes are the second most fundamental.
-processes are object code in execution; plus they also have data.
-Processes exist in a virtual system. From their perspective they are the only
process on the system. They never know the difference because the kernel
seamlessly preempts and schedules processes.
-each process has its own independent address space in memory.

-threads are the unit of activity within a process, an abstraction responsible
for executing code and maintaining a processes' running state.
-while threads of a process share some components of the process (like global variables) they have some independent components like the stack that stores   local variables.

-note about directory permissions:
 For directories, read permission allows the contents of the directory to be listed, write permission allows new links to be added inside the directory, and execute permission allows the directory to be entered and used in a  pathname.
-note about signals:
 Signals are a mechanism for one-way asynchronous notifications. A signal may be sent from the kernel to a process, from a process to another process, or from a process to itself. Signals typically alert a process to some event,
eg ctrl+z. Linux has about 30 signals.
-note about errors:
 exit status 0 is generally treated as success and a non zero value like -1
is treated as failure.

-In Linux, the kernel maintains a per-process list of open files called the
file table. Its indexed by a file descriptor that is a positive int.
-The fd serves as a pointer to the file.
-both userspace and kernel space use the file descriptors or fd.
-by default a child process receives a copy of its parents file table.
-Each linux process has a max number of files that it can open usually 1024.
-fd 0=stdin, fd 1=stdout, fd 2=stderr. Each process has these 3.

-file open() system call:
-syntax:  int open (const char *name, int flags, mode_t mode);
-eg:  fd = open ("/home/kidd/madagascar", O_RDONLY);  //fd = file desc.

-file ownership:
-the uid of a file's owner is the effective uid of the process creating the file. gid is usually the effective gid of the process creating the file.
-umask: the umask exists to allow the user to limit the permissions that his programs set on new files.

-file creat() system call: //yes no 'e' in creat()
-syntax:  int creat (const char *name, mode_t mode);
-eg:  fd = creat (file, 644);

-file read() system call:
-syntax:  ssize_t read (int fd, void *buf, size_t len);
-eg:  ssize_t nr;
 nr = read (fd, &word, sizeof(unsigned long));
-note: size of a datatype depends on the processor.
-eg: unsigned long type is 4 bytes on 32-bit systems, 8 bytes on 64-bit sys.

-file write() system call:
-syntax:  ssize_t write (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
-eg:  ssize_t nr;
 nr = write (fd, buf, strlen (buf));
-writes are usually delayed writes, whereby kernel accumulates data blocks in
before writing them to disk.
-there are however, times when applications want to control when kernel writes
data to disks.
-And for those situations, Linux provides fsync() and fdatasync() syscalls.
-syntax:  int fsync(int fd);
 int fdatasync(int fd);

-direct IO:
-if an application wishes to perform its own IO bypassing the os provided
mechanisms, then they need to request the kernel to call the file open()
function with O_DIRECT flag. With this, I/O will initiate directly from user-
space buffers to the device, bypassing the page cache. All I/O will be synchronous; operations will not return until completed.

-file close() system call:
-after a program has finished working with a file descriptor, it needs to
unmap the file descriptor from the file using close().
-syntax:  int close (int fd);
-return value -1 is error, 0 is success.

-lseek() system call:
-while normally IO in a file occurs linearly, some applications need to go to
a random location in the file. This is possible with the lseek() syscall.
-lseek() does not initiate IO, it just updates the file pointer position.
-syntax:  off_t lseek(int fd, off_t pos, int origin);
-eg:  off_t ret;
 ret = lskee(fd, (off_t) 109, SEEK_SET); //set the fd pos 109.
-Now it is possible to seek beyond the end of file (EOF). Why? well sometimes
apps will do so. In such a case, it depends if the request is read or write.
If it is read, then fd will return EOF.
If it is write, then fd will advance to the new position and the EOF to new
position will be padded with zeroes. This zero padding is called hole. This
can mean that the total filesystem space > diskspace. Manipulating holes does
not initiate any physical IO and they can actually improve performance.
-In addition to this in Linux, you can have variants of read() and write() that each take a parameter the file position from where to start read/write.
-these two are pread() and pwrite().
-eg: ssize_t pread (int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t pos);

-Multiplexed IO.
-With complex applications like GUI, often require multiple file descriptors
to handle multiple IO like from keyboard, mouse and processes internally.
This is where multiplexed IO comes into play.
-Multiplexe IO allows applications to concurrently block on multiple file descriptors, receive notifications from any of them and read/write without
blocking each other.
-Linux provides three multiplexed IO solutions:
.epoll() //event poll
-eg: int select (int n, fd_set *readfs,fd_set *writefs,fd_set *exceptfs,
struct timeval *timeout)
-as can be seen, select IO watches for read, write, exceptions & timeouts all
at the same time.
-the difference between select() and poll() is that poll() uses an array of
fds (instead of 3 separate ones for read, write, exception)
-eg: struct pollfd{
int fd; //file descriptor
short events; //events to watch
short revents; //returned events
-while both select() and poll() do the same job of multiplexed IO, they still
require a host of file desctiptors to list and watch events.
-epoll() is different in that it separates monitoring events from actual  monitoring. What that means, is while one syscall intializes epoll, it does
not stay back to monitor fds, another syscall does so, and a third actually
performs it.
-eg: int epoll_create(int size)
int epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, struct epoll_event *event);
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents,
int timeout);

-Buffered IO
-all disk operations can be measured in terms of blocks.
-An optimal situation for IO emerges if syscalls request integer multiples of
data blocks in the minimum number of iterations. This is because in that case, the kernel doesnt have to spin cycles doing unneeded calculations.
-If programs dont have the ability to do so, the system tries the second
approach of buffered IO, in which data is cached in buffer until they reach
the optimal size of multiples of block size.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

C Programming Basics - 2

-structures are user defined datatypes that can store multiple types of fixed data.
-eg: struct book
char name ;
float price ;
int pages ;
struct booka, bookb, bookc.
-here we are storing char, float and int in one combined struct called 'book'.
-then we instantiated the structure into three variables booka, bookb, bookc.
-struct type declaration does not tell the compiler to reserve any space in memory.
-all it does is define the 'form'.
-also structure type declaration is usually defined at the top of a source code file
before any other variable or function.
-when structure elements are stored, they are stored contiguosly in memory.
-structures can also be made into arrays.
-in the above example, we simply say:
struct book b[10] to store 10 elements in one go (b0 to b9).
389 -structures allow copying of elements in one go.
-eg: b2=b1 -copies name, price, pages of b1 into that of b2.
390 -structures can be nested.
-eg: struct book
char name;
float price;
struct author
char authorname;
struct book b; <<--structure book b in author.
-to get values: author a.b.name  or author a.b.price;
-structures can also have pointers.
-eg: struct book *ptr;
ptr=&b1; initialized with addr of b1.
printf("\n %s %d, ptr->name, ptr->price);
397 -some uses of structures:
. in databases
. in changing size of cursor
. in sending output to a printer
. in finding memory size of a comp
. in drawing graphics on a screent and so on..

Nov 17
409 -Input and output is not part of C language. By C here we mean the C compiler.
-instead they are part of library functions that are add-ons & called by C compiler.
-IO facilities for different OS are different.
-thus printf on Linux is different from printf on solaris/windows.
-IO functions can be of two types:
. console IO -io bet stdin(keybd), stdout(monitor, stderr(console)
. file IO -io to and from files.
409 -console = keyboard + monitor together (directly connected to a host)
-console io can be subdivided into:
. formatted io - user in control of format of output/input
. unformatted io - user not in control
-eg: formatted console io - printf(), scanf()
410 -eg: unformatt console io - getch(),getche(),getchar(),gets(), putch(), putchar(), puts()
-note: there is no unformatted console io functions for ints and floats (only char/strings)
419 -printf vs sprintf - printf prints on screen, sprintf stores to string
-eg: printf("\n %d", i) vs sprintf(astr, "%d" i), printf("\n%s",astr)
-scanf  vs sscanf - read from stdin vs read from string
-eg: scanf("%s")  vs  sscanf("%s",a) where a="abcd"

419 -note: in formatted console io, 'enter' key has to be hit before the io takes place. If io is desired the moment something is entered/read, instead
of waiting for 'enter key', we use unformatted io functions.
-unformatted io functions examples:
.getch()  - reads input without echoing on screen
.getche() - reads input and echoes on screen
.getchar()- reads input and echoes after you hit enter key
.fgetchar() like getchar. getchar is a macro, fgetchar is a func.
.putch()  - output on screen //dos only?
.putchar()- output on screen //works on linux

.gets()  - receives a string that has spaces (scanf cant do that)
.puts()  - outputs  a string to the screen.

430 -all data stored on disk is in binary form.
-the manner in which this binary data is stored on disk varies from OS to OS.
-but this doesnt matter to C programs as they simply have to call the
IO functions for that OS via the compiler designed for that OS.

432 -in io, strings are quoted in double quotes " " whereas chars in single ' '.
-once a file is opened using fopen, and directed to a pointer, we no longer need to address it by name, pointer is enough.
-eg: fp=fopen("afile.txt");
then fgetc(fp), fclose(fp) etc are used instead of fgetc("afile.txt") etc.

482 -commandline params can be passed to main as two params known as:
.argv - an array of pointers to strings
.argc - an int = the # of strings argv points
-eg: in this command:
filecopy filea fileb
-the program interprets it internally as:
main(int argc, char *argv[])
-argv[0]=base addr of the string "filecopy"
-argv[1]=base addr of the string "filea"
-argv[2]=base addr of the string "fileb"

520 -enum data type allows user defined data types to be created.
-eg: enum mar_status
single, married, divorced,widowed
enum mar_status person1, person2
-internally the compiler treats enumerators as integers.
-eg: in the above, single is stored as 0, married as 1 and so on.
-once declared, enums can be included in structs, like this:
-eg: struct person
char name[30];
int age;
enum mar_status status;
  struct person pers;
strcpy( pers.name,"Superman");
-enum scope can be global or local. global if declared outside all functions,
local if declared inside a function.
-typedef: a shorthand for a variable type, usually in CAPS.
-eg: typdef unsigned long int UNLONGIN; //UNLONGIN=unsigned long int
-then UNLONGIN var1, var2;
-typedef is useful when dealing with structs or enums.
-eg: in the enum mar_status above, we could say this to define person1,2
typedef enum mar_status MSTAT;
-then MSTAT p1, p2;
-in short, typedef improves program readability.

-typecasting: defining the type of variable return;
-defined in brackets (,) before an operation.
-eg: int i=4, j=6;
div = (float) 4/6; //(float) is typecast, else int would be retrn

-pointers can even point to functions because functions have addresses in C.
-to do so, all we have to do is to mention the name of the function
-eg: i=display //i gets the value of function display.

-unions: unions are derived data types like structures.
-ie both unions and structs group a number of different variables together.
-the difference is in structure, the constituent variables are not necessarily
contiguous in memory.
-in unions the constituent variables are contiguous.
-eg: union a
int i;
char ch[2];
union a key;
-if we had done this using struct, it would take 6 bytes in mem.
-but with unions it takes only 4 bec int i and ch[] are made to occupy same
spot in memory.
-unions are useful in dealing with hardware.
620 -interaction with hardware means, interaction with the chip for that h/w.
621 -For different events there are different interrupts. As a reaction to the occurrence of an interrupt a table called Interrupt Vector Table (IVT) is looked up. IVT is present in memory. It is populated with addresses of different kernel routines during booting. Depending upon which interrupt has occurred the Microprocessor picks the address of the appropriate routine from IVT and transfers execution control to it. Once the control reaches the routine, the code in the routine interacts with the hardware. These routines are called
interrupt service routines (ISRs) and are part of the device drivers.
627 -as to why application programs cannot directly talk to hardware:
in a multiuser, multiprogramming OS, every device is shared amongst multiple applications running in memory. To avoid conflict between
different programs accessing the same device simultaneously the OS
does not permit an application program to directly access any of the devices. Instead it provides several API functions or system calls to carry out the interaction.
-Note: that the system calls dont change when a new device is added to the system.

-Linux Programing Discussion.
-C program -> system call -> device driver -> hardware.
652 -The programming architecture (better known as programming model) for each OS is different. Hence naturally the program that achieves the same task under different OS would have to be different.
-Gnome and KDE are just GUI shells.
-In multitasking os like linux, the microprocessor divides its execution time
equally among running processes in a round robin manner. Thus if we take a snapshot of the memory only one process would be found executing on the microprocessor.
-The scheduling of process on the cpu is done by scheduler.
-The scheduler stores the info a process (like cpu registers, contents of stack etc) into scheduler table and switches to next program.
This switching is called context switch.
-Preemptive scheduling: context switch happens as soon as the time slot allocated is over, whether the process is complete or not.
-1st linux program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main( )
printf ( "\n Parent Process ID = %d", getppid( ) ) ;
printf ( "\n Process ID = %d\n", getpid( ) ) ;
-In linux a process can spawn another process by calling fork() system call.
-system calls are also known as library functions.
-the parent and child process share the code.
661 -if some code needs to be run in the child, it is run using the exec() func.
662 -The ps command gets its info from the "process-table".
-Apart from other information the process table contains an entry of ‘exit code’ of the process. This integer value indicates the reason why the process was terminated. Even though the process comes to an end its entry would remain in the process table until such time that the parent of the terminated process queries the exit code. This act of
querying deletes the entry of the terminated process from the table
and returns the exit code to the parent that raised the query.
-If the child exits first (which is normal), its exit code would persist in the process table until the parent queries it. This is zombie process.
-If the parent exits first(not normal), the exit code is not queried and
persists. The child is called orphan and is adopted by init.
init queries the exit code and the child entry is removed from table.
-Knowing the exit code is important because that determines if the processes
terminated successfully or not.

670 -while the communication between programs and OS happens via system calls (aka
library functions like fork(), exec() ) etc, the reverse ie OS to
programs happens via signals.
-eg: when we hit ctrl+c, the kernel sends a terminate signal to the program.
684 -Signal Processing is the heart of programming under Linux.

Next we will look at Linux Programming...

C Programming Basics - 1

-Major parts of popular operating systems like Windows,
UNIX, Linux are still written in C. This is because even today
when it comes to performance (speed of execution) nothing
beats C. Moreover, if one is to extend the operating system to
work with new devices one needs to write device driver
programs. These programs are exclusively written in C.
19 -Embedded systems in Mobiles and Gadgets are written in C because these programs not only have to run fast but also have to work in limited
amount of memory. Only C fits the bill.
-This is also true for Computer games that must be fast.
-C makes lowlevel hardware interaction possible without loss of performance.

23 -Constants in C are of two types:
.primary integers, real (aka float), characters
.secondary array, pointer, structure, union, enum etc

36 -printf() and scanf() are counterpart functions.
-printf() prints output, scanf() reads input.
-scanf() takes pointers as parameters (pointer=memory address of a variable).
printf ( "Enter values of p, n, r" ) ;
scanf  ( "%d %d %f", &p, &n, &r ) ;

Nov 08
174 -when a function is called, the caller is temporarily suspended while the
called function goes to work. Once the called function is done it
returns the execution control back to the caller
183 -To send back control, its enough to have a closing bracket }. No return reqd.
-any function can be called, even main().
179 -a function can call itself (recursion).
-to be called by a function, the called function must be defined outside the
-Two types of functions exist:
.library functions -a group of functions labeled as a library
.user defined functions
180 -if there are some logically isolated tasks, put them in a function.
-Such programs are easy to read and maintain.

Nov 10
197 -Pointers:
Pointers are unsigned integers that hold an address in memory.
The address they hold is the address of a variable.
-Pointers are created with * operator.
-& - address of a variable
-* - value at the pointer, indicates the creation of a pointer.
- [ampao starvat]
-eg: float i=29.7; --variable created and given an address
int *j; --variable to store some address of some int
j=&i; --that some address is now address of i
-so *j is value at the address of i = value of i = 29.7
-also since j=&i,
*j=*(&i)=value at(address of i)=29.7
-also &j=&(&i)=address of(address of i)=address of i [verified]
-so *(&j)=value at(address of(address of i)=value at(addr of i)=29.7

198 -float *f does not mean address is float.
-float *f means value at f points to a float variable
-similarly, char *ch means value at ch points to a character variable

Nov 11
201 -Pointers and functions.
-functions can receive arguments by one of two methods:
. by values  of arguments -eg afunc(i, j)   - call by value
. by address of arguments -eg afunc(&i, &j)  - call by reference
-difference between the two methods:
. arg by val - operations in called func dont affect caller func
. arg by addr - operations in called func affect caller func
-Note: call or arg by value is more common than call or arg by addr (or ref)
call by reference allows function to return more than one value
main( )
int radius ;
float area, perimeter ;
printf ( "\nEnter radius of a circle " ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &radius ) ;
areaperi ( radius, &area, &perimeter ) ;
printf ( "Area = %f", area ) ;
printf ( "\nPerimeter = %f", perimeter ) ;
areaperi ( int r, float *a, float *p )
*a = 3.14 * r * r ;
*p = 2 * 3.14 * r ;

And here is the output...
Enter radius of a circle 5
Area = 78.500000
Perimeter = 31.400000
-conclusion: we sent val of radius and addr of area, perim and got two values of area and permiter in return.

204 -recursion:
when a function calls itself
-Thus during every recursive function call we are working with a fresh set of parameters.

212 -It is possible to add user defined functions to existing system libraries.
-It is possible to add user defined functions to user defined libraries.

Nov 13

230 -int data type can be of two types:
.short int - 2 bytes in memory
.long  int - 4 bytes in memory
291 -For linux/windows these days, ints are 4 bytes
-further they can be signed and unsigned.
-unsigned means +ve values so while signed short int range from -32k to +32k,
unsigned int range from 0 to 65k, almost doubling the range, in a way.
-even chars have signs (since they are an ascii number internally).
-chars are 1 byte long. signed chars are -128 to +128. unsigned 0 to 256.
-floats occupy 4 bytes.
-double occupy 8 bytes in memory. long double is 10 bytes in memory.
-Note: for older 16 bit processors, which dont have the ability to hold huge
numbers outside their range (>2to16), an emulator software is used
that mimics larger address area. Downside, the emulator approximates
the numbers to fit in, so the answers may be a little ways off esp
for very large nums.
-Every variable has a default storage class.
-storage class of a variable, tells:
. where the variable will be stored
. what will be the initial value (unless explicitly specified)
. what will be the scope of the variable
. life duration of the variable (how long it exists?)
-there are four storage classes:
. automatic -stored in mem, no fixed defaults, scope local
. register -stored in cpu registers, no defs, scope local
. static -stored in mem, default 0, persist bet functions
. extern -srored in mem, default 0, scope global, life of prog
-if variables are not definded explicitly, they are assumed to be auto.

Nov 14

257 -The C preprocessor is exactly what its name implies. It is a program that processes our source program before it is passed to the compiler. -Preprocessor commands (often known as directives) form what can almost be considered a language within C language.
-The directives can be placed anywhere in a program but are most often placed at the beginning of a program, before the first function definition.
-The directives could be in the form of:
. macro expansion #define ABC
. file inclusion #include abc.h
. conditional compilation --not common  #if elif
. miscellaneous --not common  #undef or pragma
-The benefit of preprocessor commands is that it improves compiler performnc.
-They also improve readability of a program.
-prerprocessor directives are defined with
. the '#define keyword'
. in CAPS
. no semicolons
. in the very beginning of the program
-eg: #define PI 3.14
-Macros can also have arguments but everything should be in parentheses
-eg: #define AREA(x) (3.14*x*x)

257 -source code to executable in two steps:
. source code + preproc -> object code - by compile step
. object code + system libs -> exe code - by link step
267 -macros behave like functions but
-in macro calls, the compiler simply dumps macro code when called
-in func  calls, the control is actually passed to the func
-macros are faster than functions but good when code is small.
-macros increase code size, whereas functions decrease them.

269 -#include "file" - looks for file in the whole search path
-#include <file> - looks for file only in the pwd or compiler dirs

285 -array - a set of similar data types
-arrays allow multiple values to be stored in a single variable
-arrays are also called subscripted variable
-pointers and arrays are closely related.
-all arrays make use of pointers internally
289 -no matter how big an array, its elements are always stored in contiguous memory locations.
286 -a string is an array of characters.
290 -array initialization:
int num[6] = {1,2,3,5,5,6}
or int num[]  = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
292 -The compiler does not check if an array size is too small for the values being input.
296 -Numbers can be added and subtracted to pointers
-eg: if i=4 and j=&i=lets say 10000
-then i-2 and j-4
=> i=2 and j = j-4 = 10000 - 4x4 = 9986 (size of 4 ints subtracted)
297 -while a number can be added or subtracted to pointers, pointers themselves cannot be added, multiplied or divided by another pointer.

286 -Accessing array elements by pointers is always faster than accessing them by subscripts.
302 -Whole arrays can be passed to functions via pointers.
-Passing the zeroth element of an array is the same as passing the whole arr.
-eg: displ (&num[0],5) = displ (&num,5) = pass a 5 elemt arr num to displ()
-also if int num[ ] = { 24, 34, 12, 44, 56, 17 } ;
-then *num = the zeroth element of the array, that is, 24.
-also, *num and *( num + 0 ) both refer to 24.
-similarly, *(num+i)=*(i+num)=num[i]=i[num] == the ith element of arr num.
Nov 15
304 -2D arrays aka matrix can be thought of as a stack of 1D arrays on top of each other.
-arr[5][2] means 5 1D arrays of 2 elements each on top of each other.
-the first element is [0][0], last [n][m] which means
n rows, m columns
and [n+1][m+1] element is row col ender.
-each row has a two values.
-eg ID, age for a group of persons.
-you can omit row nums but not column nums.
-eg: arr[][3] is ok, arr[3][] is not.
307 -While a 2D array can be thought of as a matrix, the arrangement is imaginary.
-This is because memory doesn’t contain rows and columns.
-In memory whether it is a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional array the array elements are stored in one continuous chain.

Nov 16
-strings are arrays of characters.
-string arrays are terminated by a null character ('\0').
-to output strings, we can use %s placeholder and call string in printf.
-eg: printf("%s", str); --prints string called str.
-scanf() function cannot receive multiword strings.
-To receive and print multiword strings, we have gets() and puts() functions.
-puts automatically puts a new line character at the end of its output.

-The malloc function:
is a standard library function that requires the number of bytes to be allocated and returns the base address of the chunk of memory that it allocates.
-it allocates memory at runtime ie is dynamic.
-The address returned by malloc() is always of the type void *.
-to use it, we need to #include "alloc.h" as preprocessor.
-eg: ptr = malloc(6)  allocates 6 bytes of mem and sets the base addr to ptr.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

C Programing Examples - Power of a number.

The following program will calculate the power of a non negative integer to non negative power. Can be extended easily for negative powers by replacing multiplication by division in power function.

[root@MS-vaio C_Progs]# cat power.c
#include <stdio.h>
int a,b,c;
int powr (int x, int y);
printf("\n Please enter a positive integer and its power, separated by comma:");
scanf ("%d, %d",&a,&b);
printf("\n %d to the power %d is: %d \n",a,b,c);

///powr function starts here...
powr (int x, int y)
int i,j;
if (y==0)
     return (1);
if (y==1)
return (x);
        return (x);
==========Sample Run======
[root@MS-vaio C_Progs]# gcc -o answ power.c
[root@MS-vaio C_Progs]# ./answ

 Please enter a positive integer and its power, separated by comma: 5, 5

 5 to the power 5 is: 3125 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Linux and the Desktop

Jun 13, 2012
This is what Linus Torvalds has to say about Linux and the Desktop.

Linux is popular in many areas of computing including smartphones and servers, but it has never had quite the same breakthrough on desktops - do you think it will ever happen?
So I think that in order to make it in a consumer market, you really do need to be pre-installed. And as Android has shown, Linux really can be very much a consumer product. So it's not that the consumer market itself would necessarily be a fundamentally hard nut to crack, but the "you need to come preinstalled" thing is a big thing.
And on the laptop and desktop market, we just haven't ever had any company making that kind of play. And don't get me wrong - it's not an easy play to make.
That said, I wouldn't dismiss it either. The whole "ubiquitous web browser" thing has made that kind of consumer play be more realistic, and I think that Google's Chrome push (Chromebox and Chromebooks) is clearly aiming towards that.
So I'm still hopeful. For me, Linux on the desktop is where I started, and Linux on the desktop is literally what I still use today primarily - although I obviously do have other Linux devices, including an Android phone - so I'd personally really love for it to take over in that market too.
But I suppose that in the meantime I can't really complain about the successes in other markets.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Linux and Android Kernel Merge

Recently, Tech circles especially the Opensource ones were abuzz with a news that caught many eyes. The creator and top level maintainer of Linux kernel, viz., Linus Torvalds merged the code base of Android into Linux kernel in March 2012. This was after over 2+ years when he had dropped the Android drivers from Linux previously in late 2009.
As you are perhaps already aware, Android is a fork of Linux kernel codebase. It has actively been developed by Google. The initial seed source code came from Linux kernel but over time, as with all forks, it diverged greatly. As a result they were not compatible with each other natively, not atleast you were a kernel developer and had no problem getting hands dirty in the guts of Linux/Android kernel programming; not until now at least.
The kernel is the heart of the OS. Inside all the Linux out there, the kernel is the piece of the OS that is downright closest to the hardware with complete control of all the hardware interface and system calls. As an end user, one hardly notices it since almost all of our time and interactions are spent on the user interface of the OS which represents the so called 'user space'. Remember, a complete OS is comprised of 1) the kernel running in the 'kernel space' of your computer's-memory and 2) the user interface (Applications like browser, spreadsheets, documents etc) that run in the 'user space' of your computer's-memory. The kernel is the first thing that runs after a system boots up and like I said earlier, manages all the hardware and operations native to the OS. In other words, kernel is indispensable to the proper functioning of the OS.
Going back to our topic, although once upon a time, Android codebase originated in Linux, over time, they diverged resulting in several incompatibilities. However, with the explosive growth and popularity of Android on the mobile phone and tablet segments, it was a matter of time that it was considered a suitable candidate to return home to Linux codebase.
Now why is that important? Well, the reason it is important is because, Linux kernel dominates the Enterprise computing. There is hardly any organization from a Fortune500 to a one man shop in a garage that does not have awareness of  the relevance of Linux in Business. It is the most secure, stable, scalable, networked and yet surprisingly affordable Computer Operating System on the planet. On the other extreme of the spectrum, Android is the most popular Operating system on the mobile segment. Where Linux lacks is the personal computing or desktop segment. Even after 20 years of existence, the share of Linux Operating system on the desktop computing segment is a sad 2% or less. In other words, Linux dominates on the Large and the small computer segments but is missing in the middle (desktop segment). Now with the merger, it would be safe to say that there would be a sizeable concentration of Linux/Android kernel developers who would go creative and start porting the best features of both Linux and Android into the desktop Linux segment. Who knows in a short time, you may have OEM vendors ready to pre-install Linux onto their desktops/laptops resulting in the obvious increase of Linux market share from 2% to 25%. or 50%? or even 90% one day? We certainly would love to wait for that to happen..

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fedora 16 on Sony Vaio S series Laptop - Part 2

Ok. So after settling down on Sony Vaio S, here is my experience of the Fedora 16 install and why I would give it 7 out of 10 (instead of 10 out of 10).
As you know the overwhelming majority of OEM laptops come pre-installed with Windows. Therefore its always a could be/should be guessing game when trying to reverse engineer and installing Linux -- you have to take the chance and its better to have a clear idea of what you want.
And so here was the plan:
1) Download and create ISO image of the Linux Distro of choice
                      (I tried both Ubuntu 11.04 AND Fedora 16)
2) Run the ISO image as a LiveCD to test compatibility -- if that goes fine,
3) Use a Partition tool like GParted  (or Windows native disk utility) to resize the Windows Partition.
4) Install the Linux distro of choice (Ubuntu / Fedora in this case) to dual  boot with Windows
5) Check everything (all devices / apps) run fine in Linux.

Step 1 was no brainer, it depends on your Internet connectivity to download. Both Ubuntu 11.04 and Fedora 16 are about 700 MB in size (much smaller than the 3+ GBs of Windows7). Make sure when you try to burn the ISO to a CD, you dont see any weird errors. In my experience the download was fine but when I tried to burn using Windows Disk Burner utility, there were errors and I had to reject that disc and retry the burn.

Step 2 of the process (Live CD) was a little hiccupy with both Ubuntu and Fedora. When I ran the Ubuntu Live CD, the machine just froze and I had to abort it (even with 8 GB of RAM!!). It worked the 2nd time though. Its slow but it works. With Fedora, the disc could not be recognized. At this point, I had to decide whether to for Fedora at all and I decided that I will try nevertheless (it was a good decision in the end and I will explain shortly).

Step 3, I resized the disk space. Factory installed Windows was occupying all of the 256 GB with about 25 GB occupied by Windows itself (ie about 225 GB usable -- isnt Windows bulky occupying 25 GB?). I used the windows disk manager utility (Start > Computer > Manage > Disk Management) to shrink the Windows partition/volume to 100 GB. So therefore I made 250 - 100 = 150 GB for Linux.

Step 4 is the fun step. I first tried Ubuntu. The installer runs like a charm. Make sure you choose 'Run Ubuntu alongside Windows' option during the Installation Options screen. You breeze past the usual installation questions around disk configuration, computer name, locale, timezone, users yada yada and within 15 minutes (if you have an SSD and 8GB RAM like mine), the install is done. But wait, dont jump in excitement just yet. When you reboot the machine, there comes the problem. The computer just wont show the GRUB Boot loader and hence you cannot boot -- neither Windows nor Ubuntu. Oops? Why is that? Thankfully I had another computer that still worked and with that I googled and found out that GRUB version 2.0 which comes with Ubuntu 11.04 is incompatible with SSD on the Sony VAIO. It cannot locate the boot sector. Bummer! So at this point what to do, do I try to fix GRUB by re-configuring it or try Fedora instead? Well I decided I will give Fedora a try.
OK so there I insert the Fedora Disk and after afew clicks get to the desktop which shows the 'Install Fedora' icon on desktop. First time I click it, I get a weird error at the bottom of the screen "Cannot detect Media" which is odd, since I AM using the media at that point. and I cannot proceed. So I abort the install (by hard booting the laptop) and insert the Fedora 16 disk again. This time when I click the 'Install Fedora' I didn't get the error. The install is fairly simple with usual questions on disk config, locale, users etc. After the 'Installation succeeded' message, I pray that I dont get the same error as I got with Ubuntu. And I reboot.
And yess, Fedora 16 comes with GRUB 1.99 (not 2.0 like in Ubuntu) and yess I see the Grub options -- Fedora 16, Fedora 16 Rescue and Windows.
In nutshell on Step 4, I would say the install process is at best a 8/10. I wish I did not have to reinstall over Ubuntu and abort Fedora in the first attempt.

Step 5 is interesting; being a heavily web oriented user, I tried to load up my favorite web pages. One of the first things you notice is the fact Fedora comes with Firefox preinstalled and it is missing some of the plugins to run Flash. You can bypass this using either the yum or manually by downloading the rpm.
I chose yum --- yum install flash-plugin -- as root.
After that I check the device. All the devices (including webcam, microphone, wireless etc) work except the SD card reader. Sony has proprietary drivers needed which are not part of the Fedora base yet.
But the most prominent thing you notice is how loud the fan runs with Fedora 16 on Sony VAIO. Turns out the AMD catalyst video drivers are not compatible with Fedora 16. I Downloaded and installed the Catalyst drivers 11.11 from http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx but on reboot, the login screen never shows up. Halfway through the boot up, the screen goes blank and hangs. The only way out is to login via a console as root and uninstall the driver to return the system to the initial state with the opensource drivers. Well, while the opensource drivers allow gui login and all it kills the battery life due to cpu/gpu overheat and excessive fan noise. :( We hope that the opensource drivers are rendered compatible to catalyst in a soon to be released Fedora. So why is it bad? Well its bad because it causes the battery to drain profusely. If the fan runs crazy due to over heating, the battery runs out in 1 hour 30 minutes instead of the 6 hours that Sony says on its website, its bad, really!!
Some websites talk of Intel PowerTop utility to tune some of the power usage. I actually downloaded Powertop from http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/powertop/ but not too much avail. The Fan noise and heat  still persists.
Another thing you will notice with Sony VAIO is that it comes with InsydeH2O BIOS. So if you are planning to run a virtual machine software (like Virtualbox) and want to turn on the Power AT features in the BIOS, you can't do it. I could not get to the BIOS screen no matter which key I pressed at the boot time (usually F12, Esc, Delete etc work) but no luck here. I think this is the result of Microsoft SecureBoot feature and basically it is designed to deny you from running anything else on the computer that you own but Windows. What a shame.

Soooo, in the nutshell, there are some BIOS issues, GRUB 2.0 doesnt work, SD card reader doesnt work and there is overheating in the CPU/GPU (which causes the fan to run like a crazy turbine). Other than that Fedora 16 on Sony VAIO S series is not bad. I hope in the next release of Fedora, they will be able to fix the Fan issue at least. Until then it is 7/10 for me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fedora 16 on Sony Vaio S series Laptop - Part 1

I was hobnobbing with the idea of a new laptop for over 10 months now. I was keen on 5 top things -- must be light (lighter than all my past laptops) ie less than 4 pounds, have backlit keyboard, have 8GB of RAM, have Solid state disk and have minimum of 5 hours of battery life under normal usage. And yes, if the price would be less than $1500 it would be cool but the 5 things I listed above, they were must.
My idea was that I would either wipe off the factory installed OS or shrink the volume to make room for my favorite OS - Linux. I was using the Ubuntu 11.04 until then on my previous laptop but then someone brought in their laptop with Fedora 16 on it and my first reaction was 'Hey thats neat' and 'I will try it'. This especially because I last used Fedora about 5 years ago when the GNOME desktop was at best a colorful little desktop but not very polished. By the way, its no secret, my dislike for Windows and Apple. So that really limited the choice of hardware with my Top 5 requirements above.
After a long trying search spreading over months, where I looked at laptops from Sony, Lenovo, Dell, HP, Asus etc, I finally narrowed down to Sony Vaio and Lenovo. Both had two models that I liked. Lenovo had IdeaPad U series and Thinkpad X1. Sony had Vaio S and Vaio Z Series.
I had used Lenovo laptops in the past and my opinion of them were 'sturdy' but 'bulky'. Although they seem to have good support for Linux drivers and community. But Ideapad U (although very beautifully done) did not have backlit keyboard. Thinkpad X1 on the other hand with the configuration I was asking for came to around $1800. Besides, I already use a Thinkpad (T series) from my work and I think it is a bit heavy too.
As for Sony, Vaio Z was a good combination of power and lightness but it had a separate media-dock. Come on, I dont want to carry and appendage with my laptop. Especially when I travel. A laptop is got to be self contained, with all its bang and whistles in one little body form factor. Plus Z series is pricey, the configuration I was asking came close to $2200. Ouch!
So Finally, Sony S series came the closest to what I wanted at the minimum - 3.7 lb weight, backlit keyboard, 8GB RAM, 256 GB Solid State Disk & 5+ hours of battery life on one charge. Bonus was that it was less than 1 inch thick, had HD graphics and was right around $1500 price mark. Actually with taxes and all the net price was about $1700. Hmm.
I actually went to the nearby Sony store to take a look and feel of the S and Z series. Although they did not have a S series with 8GB of RAM in the store and therefore I was relegated to ordering it online.
Honestly, I must make something clear, I had not used Sony Vaio earlier and did not see much on the web about people running Linux on Vaio. So I was a bit sheepish and worried about the driver compatibility on the Opensource side for Vaio. Who knows I might end up disappointed if I failed to get Linux to run on a brand new expensive laptop. Go figure.
Anyway, finally it arrived 3 weeks ago and in my next post, I will explain my experience with Linux on Vaio S and why I would give it 7 out of 10 instead of 10 out of 10.